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Reading Assignment 03

Why This Matters

The HTML & CSS sections were straightforward and really built on the previous class. The JS section took a large jump forward and I was guessing at what the code examples were telling me.

Questions To Answer

When Should You Use An Unordered List In Your HTML Document

An unordered list is utilized when the order of the item is meaningless.

How Do You Change The Bullet Style Of Unordered List Items

The bullet style can be change with the use of the type attribute. The values it supports are circle, disc, and square. Some browsers will also support triangle for the value.

When Should You Use An Ordered List vs An Unordered List In Your HTML Document

Using an ordered list means the order is meaningful like using steps for making a meal or directions from one location to another. An unordered list does not require the items to be in order and no item has one priority over another.

Describe Two Ways You Can Change The Numbers On List Items Provided By An Ordered List

A developer can use the the following ways to change the numbers on li:

Describe The CSS Properties Of margin And padding As Characters In A Story. What Is Their Role In A Story Titled: “The Box Model”

The Box Model by Mike McCarty

margin and padding were buddies. They loved the same things and were always excited about seeing content, the coolest dude on the page. However there is a bully in the neighborhood and his name is border. Whenever margin or padding approach each other, border was always getting bigger with his pixels creating separation between the two. Until one day, a superhero named developer came walking by and placed a none in the border. margin and padding were forever grateful and placed their background-color to #ff1a1a so everyone can see their excitement. The end!

List And Describe The Four Parts Of An HTML Elements Box As Referred To By The Box Model

Visual of the box model

What Data Types Can You Store Inside Of An Array

String, number, arrays, and objects.

Is The People Array A Valid JavaScript Array? If So, How Can I Access The Values Stored? If Not, Why?

Code to answer

Yes the people array is an array with three nested arrays. Yes the values can be accessed utilizing the values index. For instance if I wanted to access the value accountant. I would do so by using people[1][2]. This indicates the first number 1 shows accountant resides in the 2nd array indexed by 1 as arrays start counting at 0 and is in the 3rd listed place which is indexed by the number 2.

List Five Shorthand Operators For Assignment In JavaScript And Describe What They Do

X += 1: is saying x = x + 1 so the variable is incrementing by adding 1 to itself.

x -= 1: is saying x = x - 1 so the variable is decrementing by subtracting 1 to itself.

X *= 2: is saying x = x * 2 so the variable is increasing by multiplying 2 to itself.

X /= 2: is saying x = x / 2 so the variable is decreasing by dividing 2 to itself.

X **= 2: is saying x = x ^ 2 so the variable is increasing by taking the exponent of 2 to itself.

Read The Code Below And Evaluate The Last Expression And Explain What The Result Would Be And Why

Code to answer

From my console log the answer returned is 10dog. The reason I can think of is the browser concatenates the number and string values together and ignores the false boolean value.

Describe A Real World Example Of When A Conditional Statement Should Be Used In A JavaScript Program

The immediate example that comes to mind is an electronic thermostat for an air conditioner. When the temperature reaches a setpoint, say 80 degrees, the air conditioner turns on. When temperature falls below the setpoint, maybe the same temperature or say 77 degress, the air conditioner turns off.

Give An Example Of When A Loop Is Useful In JavaScript

When there is a finite number of attempts at some function is required a loop is best used. For example lets say a user is entering their password. If you want to ensure it is not a hacker you can give them five tries before the account is locked out and will require an administrator to unlock it.

Things I Want To Know More About

Sources Utilized

ol: The Ordered List element

ul: The Unordered List element

HTML Ordered List HTML Numbered List

The box model


Expressions and operators

Making decisions in your code — conditionals

Looping code